Hype Accessory Kit - Red Beard Sailing

Hype Accessory Kit

$ 700

This accessory kit rounds out your kayak purchase. This kit provides a bag, pump, paddle and splash apron so you can get on the water and start enjoying your new kayak right away!

Why Red Beard Recommends
This kit contains all of the ideal equipment to get your started with your new Hype kayak. If you’re considering a Hype, then you are a serious ‘yakker. This kit has been created with performance in mind after extensive testing. You may want to add a few accessories to this, but for the most part this kit is the only other “required” equipment needed for launching yourself down your favorite rapids in a Hype.

Accessory Kit Includes:
1 Air Pump, 1 Double Paddle Hype, Fiberglass 4-parts, 200cm, 1 Back-pack Size 1, 1 White-water Apron Kayak, 1 Boat Line 16 Feet, 1 Gloss Boat-care Product 1 L