Happy Cat Star Accessory Set - Red Beard Sailing

Happy Cat Star Accessory Set

$ 365

The Star Accessory Kit includes all of the parts you will want to have on hand for every adventure. This includes all of the accessories needed to get you out on the water and harnessing the breeze.

Why Red Beard Recommends

You will nearly always want paddles on board for when the wind dies or even for poling out the jib on light wind and downwind sailing. The hand pump is good to have around when launching in cold water, the air in the hull may condense which means you might need to re-pressurize after the pressure normalizes.

Accessory Kit Includes:
1 Air Pump, 2 Single Paddles (128 cm), 1 Foredeck, 1 Boat Line (16 ft), 1 Bottle of Liquid Hull Conditioner (1 Liter)