Grabner Single Paddle Accessory Kit

Grabner Single Paddle Accessory Kit


This accessory kit rounds out your new canoe purchase. This kit provides a bag, pump and paddles so you can get on the water and start enjoying your new canoe right away!

Why Red Beard Recommends
This is a baseline accessory kit that will get you up and running as quickly as possible. The paddles are collapsible and everything can store in and on the backpack. The Adventure canoes are nearly 15’ long canoe, so moving them in a wheel bag is always easier on the back than carrying.

Accessory Kit Includes:
1 Hand Air Pump, 2 Single Blade 3pc Canoe Paddles, 1 Backpack With Wheels, 1 16ft Boat Line, 1 Bottle of Boat Skin Conditioner