RowMotion Classic Rowing System Add-On

RowMotion Classic Rowing System Add-On


The classical method of rowing, straight sticks with a flappy bit on one end. Pull the sticks and off you go, it’s as simple as that. The RowMotion is the classical rowing setup for the X-Cat Catamaran. These oars will get you moving when the wind dies down. it definitely beats the heck out of paddling with a little rescue paddle. Equipped with Concept2 oarlocks, you can use your old oars from college, or add our 2 piece carbon oars in the list below to get you upstream with two paddles.


  • Carbon fiber sculls with an adjustable cuff make blade feathering easy.
  • Concept2 oarlocks are familiar to any rower and are the perfect fit for any aftermarket oar.
  • During sailing, the oars can be stowed behind the optional Hiking Seats.